What is the Dryer Disc™?
The Dryer Disc™ is a circular disk that you can drop into your dryer so that your clothes themselves will be the protection you need against a wide range of mosquitoes and insects. Your clothes can be outdoor ready straight from the drier. After a nice day outdoors it washes out in just one wash. Made from good quality botanical oils such as citronella oil, philippine geranium oil and indonesian lemongrass oil.
Against What Insects is the Dryer Disc™ Used?
Insects against which the Dryer Disc™ can be used are as follows:
- • Mosquitoes
- • No See Ums
- • Biting Flies
- • Gnats
- • and many other annoying flying pests
Where Can the Dryer Disc™ be Used?
The Dryer Disc™ is a small and easy to carry insect repellent product. The Dryer Disc™ looks like a yellow colored disk with symmetric holes used to disseminate an even protective shield against the bugs to your clothes. Any outdoor entertainment is suitable for the use of the Dryer Disc™.
Why is the Dryer Disc™ one of the Best Insect Repellents?
The Dryer Disc™ has proven to be very effective in repelling insects and protect exposed areas from insect bites. It can be applied to clothes used when insect exposure is highest. Once the Dryer Disc™ is activated it will repel insects and bugs for approximately 200 hours. The seal should be opened when prepared to drop straight into the drier to create an invisible protective shield around you.
Buy The Insect Repelling Dryer Disc™ Now and start Saving!
The Dryer Disc™ is great for repelling the annoying insects from you and your loved ones. Be worry free when it comes to insect bites and let the Dryer Disc™ protect you from bugs and pests.
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